Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snow in the Mountains

Recent conditions at the top of Tiger Mountain 3, as brought to you by the good Glenn Tachiyama. Looks more like a ski area than the setting for your weekend trail run. In any case, Happy New Year from us here at Cascade Crest 100, and all of our best wishes for good running in 2009!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Rain Shadow Running

Check out James Varner and Alison Hanks' snazzy new blog, Rain Shadow Running, a resource for Methow Valley trail runners and a great way to stay up to date on the half-dozen Washington state ultras that James and Alison will direct in 2009. The year's first races are the Orcas Island 25K and 50K on Saturday February 7, 2009, two great races on an absolutely beautiful course with lots of uphill and downhill. And bonus, they're perfect timing if you're looking to gauge how training is going right before registration for the Cascade Crest 100 opens on Monday, February 9, 2009.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Branch to Branch to Branch

Check out Sam Thompson's in town training run yesterday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2009 Entry Information

OK, a few basics for runners thinking about running the 2009 Cascade Crest 100, which takes place August 29-30, 2009.

Entry forms will be available on the race website as of January 20, 2009. Entries will be accepted by regular mail starting on Monday, February 9, 2009, until the field is closed at 150 runners. No online entry this year, and no waiting list. We won't open entries postmarked before February 9th or those sent by Fedex / express mail. Take note that we've added a trail work requirement this year, same routine as many other races.

Our 2008 race volunteers have already been offered early entry.

If come February you find you're undecided, consider volunteering in '09 for preferential entry in 2010. Or do it just because it's a fun way to spend the weekend. We'd love to have your help!

Feel free to send questions to charliecrissman 'at'