Monday, September 7, 2009

Randy Returns

Among the many great stories from this year's race was that Cascade Crest 100 founder Randy Gehrke returned as an entrant for the first time. Randy, a retired King County Sheriff's deputy, used to mark the entire course in one push, unsupported, under the 32 hr time limit (check the old results) and accompanied only by his dogs and a couple of friends. This year almost a dozen runners shared that same course-marking job.

To Randy's right in the photo above are Tim Stroh who helped with course marking and Ron Behrmann, who co-directed the run and handled logistics in the race's early days. Tim finished an impressive 7th overall in this year's race, in 21 hours and 44 minutes.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I hope Randy enjoyed the Yellow Mustard at Tacoma Pass. :-)