Friday, August 14, 2009

Bill Thompson looking for ride to Easton this weekend

Bill Thompson who is over from Australia for the run is looking to hitch a ride out to the course from Portland or Seattle sometime in the next couple of days. You can reach Bill by email at or at 503.296.6271.

Bill is staying with Gail and Sid Snyder in Portland and is planning to get out to take a look at the course this week. If anyone is going near the course from either Portland or Seattle in the next few days (or from anywhere Bill can get to by bus) please contact Bill if you can give him a ride.

1 comment:

Adam Blum said...

speaking of people looking for stuff, I'd love to have a pacer for the race. Not having one at TRT was a big handicap. I've paced a bunch of people myself this year (Jean Pommier twice at RDL and WS100, Chihping Fu at Wahsatch).

Pacing is great: all the fun, 1/10 the suffering. Hoping somebody agrees and wants to go for a little nighttime job in two weeks. I expect to finish in I don't know, 26h maybe (last 100 was 21:40 at KM in June)